A taste of my first horror, a work in progress...


“Please, don’t make me do it,” he cried, trying to force the voice from his mind.
You must pay for his sin, as many in your family have before you, the voice taunted.
“Please, I haven’t done anything to you.  Why are you doing this?”  He covered his ears, hoping to block the words for burning into his brain.
You will pay for what he did.  The destruction of his descendants is the payment for his greed, the voice laughed.  He murdered four innocent souls with no more thought than one would swat a fly on the wall.  The pain they endured was beyond anything imaginable, as the flames consumed their bodies.  He felt no remorse for the evil he had done.  His only love was power and wealth.
“You’re not real, I’m just having some sort of mental breakdown,” he moaned, while looking down at the razor-sharp knife in his hand, with intricate carvings on the ivory handle.  It was a gift from his grandfather prior to his death, and had belonged to the first in their family to come from England in the days leading up to the American Revolution.  “I won’t do it.  I can’t…”
“You will do as I command, or your son will be the one to pay in your stead.  It makes no difference to me.”
“No, please, not Kevin!  Leave him out of this, I will do whatever you want,” the tears streamed down his cheeks, with the knowledge burning in his mind there was no escape from this hell in which he found himself trapped.
Very good, I knew you would make the correct decision.  You know what you must do.
He stood, and looked around the office in his posh family home, knowing that after tonight, his life would never be the same.  What would his wife do when she heard about the horrendous murders on the local news in the morning?  Surely, she would be terrified knowing there was a murderer stalking the streets of their community.
“Lord, please forgive me for what I am about to do,” he groaned, securing the knife in the leather sheath, and then sliding it under his belt against his back before he put on his jacket.
Prayers will not save you, just as prayers did not save them from the flames.  He caused this curse on his family, and no prayers will erase the evil he set into motion.
He walked to the door, but paused a moment, hoping he would awake, and this was all a horrible nightmare.
Why do you hesitate?
“I’m trying to wake up.  This has to be a nightmare, and you are only a creation from deep inside my mind,” he held his eyes tightly closed, refusing to open them for fear this was all real, and he was about to viciously murder four innocent people.
The voice laughed, You are not dreaming, and I am not from some dark corner of your mind.  This is your fate.  You are of his blood, and for that, you must pay for what he did to those four innocent souls.
He slowly opened the door and stepped out into the cool night air.  He was glad his wife had gone to bed early, and his son was staying with a friend, so there would be no questions as to why he would leave at that time of night.
“Maybe I can do this and return without Beth knowing that I even left?” he whispered to himself, as he opened the door to his car.  He reached his hand back under his jacket and pulled out the knife, laying it on the center console.  He then sat in the driver’s seat, and carefully closed the door behind him so as not to make any unnecessary noise.  “How can I do this?”  His words tortured his soul, for he knew he was damned to hell for what he was about to do.
You will have no problem, for murder is in your blood.  It has been for generations, the voice taunted.
He started his car, and then pulled out of the driveway.  As he turned onto the street, he heard a soft chuckling in his mind.  Another of your blood will continue the evil you began all those years ago.  The four you murdered in the flames that fateful night, forever bind your soul, as well as those of your bloodline.
“I don’t understand what you’re saying.  Who started this, who did they murder, and why must I pay for something that happened a long time ago?”

It was my family, who perished in those flames, and the knife lying next to you belonged to him.  You are only one in a long line of his descendants to pay for the destruction of my bloodline.  There is no escape, for your fate was set in motion long before to your birth.

I am very excited about this story, and I can't wait to share it with you.

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